10 Best Apps For Engineers

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1- Bases in civil engineering

The purpose of this application is to motivate students in civil engineering and professionals from around the world to learn all the important concepts of engineering.
This civil engineering application is the best solution for all the needs of students of civil engineering, it contains various important civil engineering concepts.

Click here to download the basics of civil engineering

2- Preparation of an interview in civil engineering

Civil engineering is the oldest discipline and one of the best engineering works. In this question of interview with civil engineering application application (intra civil), we cover all important questions and answers, MCQs, important points to remember, etc.

Click here to download the preparation of civil engineering interviews

3- Turboviewer

It is a stellar application that allows users to work, modify and share 2D and 3D models. Users can change models by adding shapes, lines, text and more. It also allows you to panramize and zoom. Most importantly, you can share files with other Turboviewer users.

Click here to download Turboviewer

4- Codes and engineering standards

This application was designed to be a quick reference guide for engineering design codes and standards. Users can see a brief description of the code as well as related codes and standards. It covers civil, mechanical, piping and electricity engineering. An advantage of this application is that the developer is quick to respond to user problems, as evidenced by the examination section.

Click here to download engineering codes and standards

5- Basic engineering dictionary

Complete dictionary of engineering terms, equations and formulas, this application has compiled more than 8,000 terms and allows users to choose their favorites for quick access. A quiz feature allows users to test their knowledge retention. Another popular characteristic is the daily random fact.

Click here to download the basic engineering dictionary

6- Engineering unit converter

Unit conversion can be a major headache. With these applications, you can convert engineering units with the simple press of a button. Users can select in a number of categories, including length, energy, entropy, electrical load, etc.

Click here to download the engineering unit converter

7- Steel profiles

It is a quick reference guide with information compiled on steel profiles. It offers quick and easy access to information such as predefined, parametric (circular, rectangular, H, I, U) and free -form sections. Users can define a preference for metric or imperial. It also contains steel profiles from several geographic regions, including Europe, the United States, Canada, Russia, the United Kingdom, Australia and Japan.

Click here to download steel profiles

8- ROAMBI Analytics

Although it is not specifically an engineering application, Roambi Analytics is still precious. The application is used to share data sets and was a popular choice to create reports and dashboards. You can import information from Excel, Google calculation sheets, etc., and users can transform this data into graphics, dashboards, etc. Although the application is free, to get all the advantages, you must have a RoamBi account.

Click here to download RoamBi Analytics

9- Design of the RCC slab – Civil engineering

RCC SLAB DESIGN is a free application for the design of reinforced and bidirectional concrete slabs systems

Click here to download the RCC slab design – Civil engineering

10- RCC column design – Civil engineering

The RCC column design is a free application for the design of reinforced concrete columns.
1- The design and details of the RCC could be carried out by the limit state method based on Indian standards
2- option to record design projects in local storage.
3- Detailed calculation steps presented for verification.
4- Graphic presentation of design results.

Click here to download the RCC column design – Civil Engineering

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