Palestinian Former graduate student at MahhumakalilWhich is a green card holder with American citizens Arrested by the immigration agent of the central government In the residence of the Colombia University on Saturday, it leads to questions about how permanent residents under the law may face exile and things that may mean the problem of Free speaking about the College CampusES

Calil is a public face of the Pro-Palestinian protest at Columbia University in the past spring when Large demonstration of war in Gaza Sweeping college campus nationwide

Adamcox Professor of Legal and Entrance Experts of New York University

“The open question is why the government thinks it can be deported,” he said.

The Ministry of Security of the Security said in a statement that Calil was arrested on March 9, “To support the order of President Trump’s executives forbidden to oppose the coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DHS Tricia MCLAUGHLIN.

“Ice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are determined to enforce the orders of President Trump and protect the national security of the United States,” she said in a statement.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not respond to the request immediately.

The legal team of Khalil did not know the allegations of crime or fraud. BAHER AZMY, the director of the legal rights of the Constitutional Rights Center in New York, said that the organization is not profitable in the case of Khalil Trump and his management does not show evidence of the accusation of him or other protesters.

Azmy is called the arrest of “Claiming to have superior power and not being inspected safety and not being inspected the national power to set goals and retaliate in the name of human rights.”

Attempts are currently working to return Calilip New York from immigration in Louisiana, which he was organized. Azmy said the judges of the central government in New York. On Monday that Calil will be in the United States now. “To maintain the court power of the court” while the court weighs the challenge of his arrest and planning

The case of HABEAS Corpus is separated from the exile that may occur from the prosecution of Calil.

‘The cost of work is not a criminal charge.’

Trump’s administration is increasing the suppression of what is called antenatismitic activities in the college campus.

Calil has just graduated from a master’s degree from Colombia University in New York City. Azmy said that his customers have a green card and his wife who are pregnant with an American citizen.

Management does not give details about this reason for the arrest of Calil and the cost of expenses. If there is, he may face. If the cost depends on his statement to support the Palestinians – which is not clear – Calil is “covered by the first amendment,” Cost said.

The prosecution for the Green Card is managed in the immigration court system, which immigration judges will finally decide whether someone can be deported or not. COX means that Trump’s management does not “decide only one side that he should be deported.

Permanent residents under the law may be deported after being judged to have some criminal offenses. COX said, but “Congress’s immigration laws can cause you to be deported for other behavior that is not a crime” and some areas “quite wide”.

“The cost of work is not a criminal charge,” he said.

The COOX said that if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a reasonable “basic basis to believe that the appearance or activity of those who are not treated in the country will have a serious international policy that can be deported and even a green card holder can be returned in those areas.”

Trump said on social media, “We know that there are many students in Colombia and other universities nationwide that are involved in terrorism, anti -Semic, anti -American activities and Trump’s management will not endure.”

“We will find arrests and deporters who sympathize with these terrorists from our country – will not come back again,” he said.

Immigration court system that supports the government

When the Green Card holders face the cost of entering the city, they still maintain certain rights during the prosecution, such as the right to represent the lawyer and “The right to trial before the immigration judge must prove the cost,” COX said.

But the Immigration Court “supports the government in all forms” among them that there are no jury and the government to prove their cases not more than reasonable doubts. But instead of the lower standard of “clear and reliable evidence”

Kathleen Bush-Joseph Policy Analysts with US immigration policy projects at the Institute of Local Migration said that despite legal protection given to green card holders, “It is difficult for people to guide this process.

“But there is a lot of things that depend on the case of each person,” she said, referring to the case of Calil, added that even the permanent residence under the law “made at the discretion of the United States government. Someone can pass all criteria. But still rejected. “

The expert said that another factor is that Calil is legally arrested or not. Columbia said in the statement on Monday that it is in line with their protocol. “The law enforcement must have an arrest warrant to enter the non -public university area, including the residential university building. Columbi is determined to comply with all legal obligations and supports the community and community in our university. “Colombia did not say that Ice presented an arrest warrant to the university before arresting Calil or not.

While the details about what Khalil will be charged in the process of considering experts, saying that the connection between his arrests and protests-Palestine in Colombia Campus may affect free speaking.

Ron Kuby, New York Civil Lawyer, said that Calil is protesting the treatment of Palestinians and he has the right to fix the first time to do that.

“This support on behalf of the Palestinians – supporters reflected by many people – can not interpret as a proposal to support the materials for terrorists,” Kuby said.

He added that “The text is ice can take you all the time.”