Approximately 21.00 hrs. On 12 January 2022, a pair of Pennsylvania military appeared at the hotel near Filadelphia Airport.

Ten days ago, Richard and Rita Sajako were found to be shot and died in their home in the suburb of Philly, who had to arrive at the hotel to find a killing weapon. They have arrest warrants to search for people near Zajkos: their daughter Michelle.

The military found Michelle Zajko. Then 30 and took her to the military camp to investigate. But she refused to cooperate and were allowed to go out according to the testimony of the law.

Then something strange happened

The soldiers told Zajko to wait in the lobby so they can return her car. She installed instead of leaving her car and 40,000 dollars cash found inside it in writing.

Michelle Zajko
Michelle ZajkoThrough linkedin

The cold murder in the next two years But receiving a new attention in January after the prosecutor links an interesting person in killing. Now it is known as Sacrao and other suspects in violent crimes in California and Vermont – The members of A Group with culture watch.IGhly EducaTed AI-BSESSEd Defamation Known as Zizians

Zajko’s address is still a mystery after she fled to the government police camp. But last month, she and two colleagues were investigated to kill her parents. Arrested in Maryland About invasion and weapon expenses

All three were ordered behind the bar after the prosecutor said in the court that they were part of the group “tied to many murder cases throughout the United States.”

Both Zajko and anyone who was charged with her parents murder But the family and friends say that they now have the first hope that there will be a break in this case.

“Hopefully there will be justice for Rich and Rita” for a family that talks about the condition of not revealing.

Bright future

Zajko's house
Zajkos house in Chester Heights, PAMatt Rourke / AP file

Zajkos lived in the neighborhood of the elegant house and the lawn with a good shape, located about 30 miles in the west of Philadelphia.

Michelle is their only child. She is adopted as a child and raised at home in Chesteri.

She went to study the biology at the dead University of Cabbrini in Pennsylvania before receiving a master’s degree in biological arts at Temple University on her linkedin page.

She is a highly successful student with a high goal. Michelle Zajko works as a research trainee at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She is also an internship at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California, how SPACEFLIGHT emphasizes the human body.

“I want to save people’s lives for my career,” she told the student newspaper Cabboni.

Her parents own many units in the nearby city of Aston. In many years, the killing of Richard Zajko spent most of their tenants checking and fixing what needs to be resolved. Two tenants said in the interview.

“If there is a problem, he is Johnny at the scene.” The person who asked to not reveal himself.

Richard and Rita Zajko in 1993
Richard and Rita Zajko in 1993Family Zajko Etiquette

But Richard Zajko is not just the owner of the house. He charged less money from his tenants than other units and encouraged them to save enough for them to buy their own homes according to the former two tenants.

“He truly cares about people,” said other tenants, who asked to not specify the name.

When he found that there was a partner in his apartment, having a bright Zajko ball up. He spoke of the excitement that his wife and his wife were when they were raising their daughters.

Michelle is 20 years old and has been leaving the house for a long time, but Zajko made a proposal to the tenants that made them shocked: Do they want to have Michelle’s children’s clothes?

Shocking crime

The researchers stated that Zajkos was killed on December 31, 2022 – on the same day as Michelle, 30 years old.

Rita is 69 years old. There was a bullet wound behind her head. Her autopsy, Richard, 71, holding a bullet to his right and another to his right temple according to his autopsy.

Their bodies were discovered in the upper bedroom. No guns were found at the scene of the court. But there are two 9 mm shells. – Each of them has the impression that the seal of “9 mm. Luger +P SIG”

Three days later, the inspector with the police, Vermont and the state of Pennsylvania, traveled to Michelle Sjago’s home in the Country State, about 20 miles in the south of the Canada border.

She allowed the inspector to hold the gun. But they don’t have an arrest warrant to seize it

“In managing and observing such guns, it was found that there was no dust, dirt or debris. – It seems to be well taken care of and cleaned and/or service recently.”

Zajko told the military that she was in Vermont the day before and after the New Year’s Eve, testifying in writing and she had not spoken to her parents since January 2022.

The researchers later learned that Zajko bought a gun at the local sports shop, along with the ammunition box of the same production and printing as used in the murder scene in Pennsylvania.

They searched for arrest warrants, searching for guns and ammunition they believed to be in Zajko’s house, but on the same day it was submitted, 12 January 2023, Zajko. That was when the Pennsylvanian military arrest warrant was searched to the Candlewood Suites hotel to follow Zajko and her gun.

No guns or ammunition in the room in Zajko’s hotel, but after she was accused of installed from the police officers, Pennsylvania, the military returned to the hotel and found a gun in the room where her two colleagues stayed.

The researchers tried to reach Zajko again but without luck. At that point, she was in the wind.

Six died in three states

Two years passed without development in the case Then, on January 20 of this year, David Maland, the border patrol officer was killed in the northern artillery of Veron. The shooting occurred after MALAND and other representatives pulled the car possessed by two people – Ophelia Bauckholt and Teresa Youngblut.

The central government prosecutor said that Youngblut opened the shooting after she left the car, stimulating the agent at least one shot. Bauckholt was seriously shot while she pulled the prosecutor, and Youngblut was shot but survived.