The murder of Adnan Syed will remain after Baltimor’s political prosecutor withdrawing the movement to leave the decision on Tuesday.

The said movement has “False messages and misunderstandings and unconditional conclusions” in which the prosecutor is accused of failing to turn good evidence for the prevention of the trial, which is known as the violation of the Body.

“As our prosecutor, our duty is to seek justice and make sure that all legal actions are performed, transparent and fair,” said Beats. “I did not make this decision lightly but need Maintain the credibility of our office and maintain the trust of the people in the justice system. “

Syed is now 43 years old. Come back to the court on Wednesday morning to hear the opinions that the judge will consider the reduced sentence. he Was sentenced to a 30 -year -old prison after being decided to kill his ex -high school HAE Min Lee in 1999. He was released in October 2022 after the Baller Judge. Out of confidence In the stimulation of the prosecutor

That Confidence has been restored. The Court of Appeal on the Court of Problem to inform Lee’s family about Lee’s trial. Since then, Syed’s lawyer tried to make confidence overturned and trying to reduce the sentence.

“It is not necessary to guess whether Mr. Syen can live a life that has comply with the law or not, because he has done so for more than two years.” Sad’s lawyer wrote in the movement to find the decline of sentences.

The case is famous when there is a distinctive feature of the first season of the “series”, which came out in 2014.

On Tuesday night before climbing on Wednesday, Betting Uninstall the movement to cancel confidence.Which was sued by the former prosecutor of Marilyn Mosseb

The lawyer Tiffany Alstant, Mosaby, said on Tuesday that Mossy stood working in her office. “They found that there was a violation of Berdy and they revealed in the pursuit of justice.” Laston said

Betting is still supporting the resistance of Syed. He said the review was licensed under the law of the state in 2021 regarding crime as a child and youth.

SYED and LEE, both attended at Woodlawn High School and dated the day they broke up again and broke up again in the relationship that the Court of Appeals explained that it was turbulent.

Lee disappeared on January 13, 1999 and found that her body was buried in a shallow grave in the Baltimor Park later.

Syed was arrested and charged killing her. The first trial ended in the group’s killing. But in the second year, in the year 2000, the jury decided that Syed from the first murder, kidnapping, robbery and imprisonment.

Lee’s family against the decline of their sentences and lawyers say that the facts have not changed.

“The Adnan Syed was decided that the murder had been preserved in advance and nothing changed in the last 25 years.” The David Sanford lawyer representing the family said in the statement last week.

Supporters for Syed argue that the evidence used to decide whether he is unreliable and the police ignore the leaders that point to other potential suspects.

There is a long history of the decision of the court in this case.

The judge of the circuit overturned the confidence of Syed in 2016 and ordered the new trial. But the Court of Appeal of the State Restore confidence in the year 2019

In October 2022, the judge Syed confidence from the position for the second time.and Mosby said she was decreasing. Mosby costs at the time when the new DNA evidence supports his innocence.

The Court of Appeals of Maryland in March 2023 Return confidence statusConsideration that officials Unable to inform in advance For the family of Lee, who will participate in the consideration of the Syed case, is allowed to remain independent of additional laws.