WAUKEGAN, ILL – The trial of the man accused of turning on the fire in the four parades of July in the outskirts of the rich Park’s rich Chicago city.

Robert “Bobby” E. CRIMO III, who faces 69 murder and trying to murder from July 4, 2022, shooting a gun in a request before opening a statement.

Ravo had to face life in prison because of killing almost 50 people and injured. When he was sentenced to punishment on April 23

Dressed in a black suit, his face has tattoos with tattoos, number 47 and many more decorated his neck and his hands. The suspect was 24 years old, not issued an additional statement before he left the County Lake Shrine.

Survivor from shooting Ashbey BeasteThe person in the parade with her 6 -year -old son, but escaped from misery, saying that she felt that “Reed and shocked.” When Paiko was guilty

“I think all of us are surprised and wait to see what happened,” Beeley, who became an anti -gun activist.

Last week, while the selection of the jury was operating, Ravo did not have symptoms that he intended to confess.

Sometimes Chrimo watched while his defendant’s lawyer, the public guardian Lake County Gregory Ticsay and the Anton Trizna public guardian and the prosecutor, Eric Rinehart, Lake County lawyer.

Memorial website
Sad people on the memorial website in Highland Park, Ill. In 2022Jim Vondruska / Getty

But most Chrimo sat on a piece of paper, because the group of jury was limited to six men and six women who were chosen to serve on the panel.

Before the first jury was sitting in the prosecutor to cancel the battery that agreed 48 times with a firearm with Crimo. They didn’t explain immediately. And they are not driven by the defense team or from the Lake County Circuit Court Victoria Rossetti.

The police said that the Avo Rapper who wanted to use the name on the rapping stage and explained by friends as People who are obsessed with musicIt takes several weeks to plan the group’s killing.

On the fourth July, the roof of the building above the parade and at 10:14 am began to fall on the bullet on the audience below.

Killed in the attack is Stephen State 88; Nicolas Toledo-Zaragoza, 78; Eduardo UVALDO, 69; Katherine Goldstein, 64; Jacquelyn Sundheim, 63; And a 37 -year -old KEVIN MCCARTHY Wedding and 35 -year -old Irina MCCARTHY

Injured dozens of more people, the youngest is the most pregnant. Cooper Robert, 8 years oldThose who were left to paralyzed from the waist down when the bullet cut his spinal cord.

The injury is John Kezdy, 63 years old, which took the bullet on the elbow. Kezdy works for the Attorney General Office of the Prosecutor. Statue– He died one year after attack from bicycle accidents.

Crimo disguised himself by wearing a woman’s clothes during the rampage.

“After the attack, Priko left his roof, leaving his rifle, and he combined with the crowd and escaped,” said Lake County Chris Covelli.

Kaiko returned home to his mother’s car and drove north to Medison Wiscoin Sin, which he thought of the group again. He was arrested when he returned to Ellins.

“He went to see the details about what he did.” Rinehart told reporters. After the incident, “He accepted what he did. We don’t want to guess the motivation right now. “

This is just the last surprise from Crimo.

In June, Chrimo was Expected to accept the agreement But surprised the court by changing his mind and maintaining his pleasure

At the end of 2023, Prae Ting, his guardian, said that he would represent his own in the trial. The next month, he asked the judge. Return the status of his public guardian

At the same time, the father of Robert Chrimo Jr. confessed to the criminal offense for seven times in negligence and sentenced to 60 days in prison because he agreed to support the gun license of his 19 -year -old son. relative have Report to the police Just a few months ago, Kravo had a knife set and threatened to “kill everyone”.

The prosecutor changed the evidence of 10,000 pages, along with the video tape investigation while the police said that the firing confession

In December, Rossetti denied Crimo’s attempt to leave the statement that Crimo did to the police when he was arrested. The judge said that Christians were willing to give quiet rights and the police did not prevent him from talking to the lawyer that his family was hired to represent his.